Monday, June 23, 2014

Howling Monkeys make for a mysterious stay!

 If you want to fully experience the feeling of being in the jungle - even though technically you are not, then you need to experience the sound a howling monkey makes!  In Costa Rica there are plenty of chances to hear the loud howls and you do not have to go as far as Africa !

Howling monkeys sound early in the morning or at dusk.  And the sound is as if as if a lion was roaring right next to your house.  The first time I heard it I was scared, it was wild and intimidating.  But then you get to enjoy it and you feel like you are in wild country!

In Guanacaste, close to a beach called Ocotal, we had the pleasure of experiencing them up close and personal.  A group of howling monkeys came to spend a few days in a tree right next to our garden.  We were able to observe their behaviour and fell in love with them.  Apparently they love to eat flowers!

They allowed  us to come pretty close to the tree and we took some nice pictures.  But the chief had decided on a point that was the limit, and if we tried to come any closer he would howl as if to say: stop or else there will be consequences!

All in all the experiences we had on our trip to Costa Rica were priceless.  The flora and fauna are truly extraordinary!  The howling monkeys were a true spectacle of beauty and exuberance!  I feel blessed to have had the chance to visit this paradise called Costa Rica.

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